This website is designed to provide you with more information about risks and potential side-effects of vaccines, to get support if you or someone you know may have suffered adverse reactions from vaccines, and to foster a multi-disciplinary approach to child and family health.
“ We are published to give voice to those who believe autism is an environmentally induced illness, that it is treatable, and that children can recover.” – Editor of Age of Autism
This is a group for parents and practitioners alike who are interested in and/or know the power of classical homeopathy, with a special focus on special needs and helping children with these.
Autism and Vaccination – Hear the founder of CEASE Therapy, Dr. Tinus Smits, MD briefly speak about autism and vaccinations.
This agency offers parent education workshops, parent support groups, summer camp and respite programs, sibling workshops, a lending library, social skills groups and behaviour consultation. To register, call 416-322-7877 and ask for ‘Intake.’
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”